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Guardians place AL

来源:International Informer news portal编辑:travel时间:2024-06-03 18:42:03

CLEVELAND (AP) — The Guardians are losing their extraordinary leadoff hitter for a bit and adding one with power and potential.

Cleveland placed outfielder Steven Kwan, who leads the AL with a .353 average, on the 10-day injured list Monday with a left hamstring strain he sustained while running down a fly ball over the weekend.

Kwan felt tightness in his hamstring and was pulled from Saturday’s win over the Angels as a precaution. An MRI revealed an acute strain and the Guardians said Kwan likely will be out for up to one month.

“Super unfortunate news,” manager Stephen Vogt said. “We’re going to miss Kwanny a lot. You can’t replace somebody like that, but four weeks isn’t horrific. Anytime it’s hamstring, it’s not good. But sounds like it shouldn’t hinder him too long. Just got to make sure that he’s back to 100% before we get him back out there.”

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